Journal 2020 Vol.21 No.1
Feature Article
Scenarios after Enhanced Community Quarantine for COVID 19 Pandemic in the Philippines… What Can We Do as Filipinos
Robert Dennis J. Garcia, M.D., MHSA
To date, the Philippine lockdown has been successful. The country had a cumulative total of 9,223 cases, with 295 new ones, on May 3, 20201 while the U.S.A. had 1,133,069 cases and 30,000 new cases/day on May 1, 2020.2 As the American lockdown was not uniformly done across the 50 states, the U.S. has done disproportionately much worse than the Philippines, considering that the former’s population is only three times that of ours. Indeed, our 200-300 new cases per day, for a country of 110 million, is low; we cannot realistically achieve
an actual figure of zero.
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