Lectures : 23rd Convention
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- The Year in Review: Highlights in Pediatric Infectious Diseases 2015
- Winning the War Against Worms
- Curb the Chaos: Dealing with Infectious Diseases in the Aftermath of a Disaster
- Typhoid Fever
- Infectious Bloody Diarrhea
- HALT HIV: Preventing Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV
- Reviewing the Management of Kawasaki Disease
- Update on Immunization Schedule 2016
- Pertussis
- Influenza
- Polio
- Old Drugs for New bugs, New drugs for Old bugs by Dr. Jaime Santos
- Old Drugs for New bugs, New drugs for Old bugs by Dr. Elizabeth Gallardo
- Rabies
- Malaria
- Hepatitis B
- Antimicrobial Resistance:Action Plan of the Department of Health
- Sensible Strategies in Perinatal Viral Infections
- Value of Acute Phase Reactants
- Rapid Tests for Commmon Infections
- Therapeutic Considerations in TB
- The Importance of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy
- Recognizing Drug Resistant TB
- Zika Virus Infection